
Dragon naturally speaking software for sale
Dragon naturally speaking software for sale

Please don't hesitate to call me directly if you have any questions.ġ Focus Medical Software is a division of Centaur Academic Media DBA Centaur Multimedia. We have researched each product that we represent and feel that that are top of the line. After all, you know your situation much better than we do. While we feel that we have a firm grasp of most companies needs, we are continually trying to learn more. Our experience ranges from sales to programming to management. In addition to Dragon Naturally Speaking, a tool for Medical Transcription and Voice Recognition, we also sell Medical Billing and Electronic Medical Records software. We are full medical software consultants for your entire office.

dragon naturally speaking software for sale

He worked at such places as Lick Observatory and NASA Ames Research Center both in a research and training capacity. I have been working in the software industry for over thirteen years and have been specifically concentrating on the medical industry for the last several years. Josh has a history in Astrophysics, Math and Astronomy. We will be working with you to make sure that your specific needs are met and the right solution is found.

dragon naturally speaking software for sale

My name is Ted Maher, and my business partner's name is Joshua Arciniega. Medical Transcription and Voice Recognition - Dragon Naturally Speaking software.

dragon naturally speaking software for sale

About Us - Resellers For Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon naturally speaking software for sale